Wednesday, December 22, 2004

That Time of Year Again

Well, here we are on December 22nd and I'm proud to say that I started doing my Christmas shopping on the 20th. The good news is I'm almost done, the bad news is that I seem to have bought two things for myself every time I buy someone else a present. Now I remember why I generally don't go into stores.

Today is the beginning of the real Christmas rush. Its my first day back at work, and my last day to get everything done for the holidays. Tomorrow night I'm off to RD23 right after work for our 9th annual party at Amy's, then back to Calgary in time for work on Friday night, then back up to Ponoka Saturday morning for Christmas dinner at my Grandparents, then back to Calgary for work Saturday night, then back to Red Deer on Sunday for Boxing Day lunch/drinks. Eventually I will be at home, but not for a few days. Hopefully my little cats will manage to keep themselves entertained over the holidays.

So, Merry Christmas to everyone out there in cyberworld - I'll see many of you in the next few days, and for those of you lucky enough to be somewhere it isn't currently -27 with the wind chill, hugs from afar and see you soon!



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