And the winner is . . .
Some guy in Saskatchewan!
My hopes of a flurry of last minute bidding came true as I excitedly watched the price of my bike frame soar from $100 to $280 in the last 45 seconds of the auction. Now I'm preparing to send the frame on the bus to it's new home in Regina. Seeing as I had tried to give the darn thing a way to probably a dozen people, I am quite glad to have had such a successful ebay experience. Unfortunately I don't have anything else to sell that would generate such interest - except maybe Janet, but since I can't post her by mail I guess she'll have to stay.
Meanwhile, back at the cat ranch, spring has sprung and the unseasonably warm weather has generated a rash of window washing and cleaning. There has also been a fair amount of chatter with the new plants that are popping up all over my yard - including a few that I had thought excavated by the evil grounds keepers last year. They are all a welcome surprise, although I am a little concerned about the potential of a drastic change in weather and the effect that would have on the whole situation. Hopefully there will be enough warning that I can tuck them all under sheets until the threat passes.
The next big event on the horizon is my favorite holiday, which I plan to spend with my favorite critters shooting things while wearing green. Hopefully the donkey hasn't frozen to death in Alaska and the badger hasn't cut off any digits that would impair her marksmanship. LLTL!!! And best of luck to my fuzzy friend and grumbling beast of burden.
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